Bad neighbors can be a serious problem, according to the Appraisal Institute. An unkempt yard, proximity to a sex offender or having certain commercial facilities nearby, such as a power plant or funeral home, can reduce the value of surrounding homes by as much as 15%. The impact can vary… read more →
It’s the American dream for the upwardly mobile: owning two houses. The first, to live in; the second, a place to unwind on the weekends or vacations, preferably on a beach or in the mountains. But for some people, owning a second home is the American nightmare. Paying for two… read more →
Older homes are a dime a dozen. We see them all over our area. Many yearn to tear them down and build a new “oldie but goodie”. These builders want features of older homes, but updated. If you are one of the lucky few who have one of these older… read more →
Whether you are buying your first home or selling a home and moving into another, a home warranty could be a valuable protection for your finances and your peace of mind. Many buyers opt to purchase home warranties, which average $350 to $500 for a basic warranty and $100 to… read more →
You might be ready to buy a home, but are you armed with the knowledge you need? Do you know about credit score requirements? Are you familiar with flexible standards on Federal Housing Administration loans Whether you are a first time homebuyer or an experienced owner, buying a house requires a “pre”… read more →
Traditional investments are delivering low returns, and home prices are at bargain levels. Is it time to consider buying some rental housing? Investing in real estate right now can be surprisingly profitable, if everything goes well. Rents are climbing in many areas, and more properties may be coming on the… read more →
There’s no doubt about it: Lenders have tightened the guidelines they use to evaluate loan applications. That means borrowers who want to refinance their mortgage to take advantage of low interest rates may wonder whether they will qualify for a new loan. This summary should help you understand what lenders… read more →
If you’re moving out while your home is still on the market, your vacant property could attract more than potential buyers—it could attract criminal activity. An unoccupied property is at risk for a break-in, and removing all your belongings doesn’t mean you’re in the clear. Graffiti, damaged appliances, stolen copper wiring… read more →
While a number of experts, animal welfare societies and local governments have concluded that no breed of dog is inherently dangerous, your insurance company may beg to differ. Most insurance companies keep an unofficial list of “dangerous dogs.” If your pup is either a full or mixed breed on their list, you… read more →
The prime home-buying season is upon us, and with it, mounds of paperwork. And, let’s be honest—a chunk of that paperwork will be devoted to the real estate purchase contract. Here’s how you can sign on the dotted line without losing your mind. What It Is A real estate purchase contract… read more →