Your home is one of your biggest expenses but it is also one of your biggest investments. Whether you are planning to sell soon or are in it for the long haul, it’s important to evaluate whether your home is doing its part in contributing to your overall financial health.… read more →
One of the main objections to real Christmas trees is that they are thrown away after the first use. Some people who want a real one choose to buy a living Christmas tree and plant it later. Others purchase an artificial tree to be used for many years, though that still… read more →
Homeowners in cold-weather climates—such as the Northeast, Midwest, and mountain areas—face icy conditions, blizzards and other cold-weather storms. Beyond requiring a quick trip to the convenience store for milk and bread, severe cold weather can threaten your home’s structure and your safety. Therefore, it’s important to take measures and invest in… read more →
Selling your home in the winter is hard enough without snow. Add some frozen tundra or gray-brown slush, and you might be tempted to put that “For Sale” sign away until spring, when budding flowers and lush lawns entice buyers on their own. But waiting isn’t an option for everyone. If a job transfer… read more →
You landed a great rental, you’re getting settled in, and everything is awesome—or so you thought. Night falls, and the smell of Chinese takeout wafts through your living room. The college guys upstairs start playing a video game (loudly), and suddenly you feel like you’re in a war zone. You try… read more →
Sorting through stuff, packing box after box, cleaning—perhaps the only exciting part of moving out is the knowledge that your hundreds (or sometimes even thousands) of dollars that are tied up in a security deposit will soon be returned to you. And all you have to do is leave your apartment… read more →
When you’re house hunting, finding an amazing house in your location of choice that doesn’t require much additional investment seems like a huge score. But is it really? Before making an offer on that picture-perfect home, take a look at the surrounding houses. If they’re all in disrepair—or just obviously less nice… read more →
Moving day is always a pain, but it can be infinitely more so if you damage your landlord’s property while trying to skedaddle out of there with all your stuff. And It’s even worse if you aren’t the one who broke the $500 picture window. If your mover was at fault, it should… read more →
Home shopping makes you a little (OK, a lot) house-obsessed. Between stalking online listings, flipping through all the design magazines, and gorging on HGTV marathons, you know exactly what you want in painstaking detail. Ain’t nobody gonna say you can’t have what you want. And hey, we’re totally on board. You’ve earned this! Buy… read more →