There are many factors your lender will take into account when assessing the type and quantity of a home mortgage loan you will qualify for. Of course, your credit standing is just one such variable. Good credit has never been more important for obtaining a loan. Your broader financial picture,… read more →
There are many factors your lender will take into account when assessing the type and quantity of a home mortgage loan you will qualify for. Of course, your credit standing is just one such variable. Good credit has never been more important for obtaining a loan. Your broader financial picture,… read more →
With tightening credit markets, low savings rates and stagnant wages, many first-time homebuyers find themselves struggling to amass a down payment. The solution? Parents! Twenty-seven percent of first-time homebuyers received a down payment as a gift from “the good ol’ bank of mom and dad,” says Walter Molony, economics spokesperson for… read more →