Renting After Eviction

Renting After an EvictionIf you have been booted from your apartment, it might seem like you will be facing certain disaster in trying to rent another place. An eviction can definitely damage your rental and credit history, but if you take the right steps, it can be more like a bump in the road than a rental roadblock.  Here are six tips to help you get back to renting after an eviction:

Make Amends

Consider approaching the landlord who evicted you and offering to rectify the situation. The landlord might be willing to remove the eviction from your credit history if you settle disputes and pay for outstanding claims. Be sure to document any agreement in writing.

Improve Your Credit

Landlords look at credit reports as an indicator of whether potential tenants will be reliable in paying rent. Obtain your free credit report from the three major credit agencies to determine where your credit stands. Be sure to pay down debts that appear on the reports. Once a debt has been repaid, ensure it has been removed from your report. Also be sure to pay your credit card and utility bills on time. Missing a payment, even just one month, can damage your credit.

Seek Out Hospitable Landlords

Some landlords will immediately refuse to rent to anyone who has been evicted. Other property owners are more lenient and may only require proof of employment, a higher monthly payment, or a larger security deposit. Look for rental housing that doesn’t require a tenant background check or credit report. A private owner might be less likely to turn you down than an apartment complex property manager. Friends and family might be able to provide rental housing referrals. An apartment broker also can help narrow down a search to find housing that fits with your situation.

Line Up Good References

Even with an eviction, you can show solid rental history if you still have positive relationships with prior landlords who are willing to act as references. Past employers or business partners might be able to speak positively on your behalf. Another way to satisfy a potential landlord that you will pay rent on time and take care of the property is to provide a co-signer  for the lease who has good credit. The co-signer, of course, must be willing to be responsible for the rental payments if you are not able to pay on time.

Be Prepared to Answer Questions

If your eviction comes up when you are applying for a rental, be prepared to answer questions succinctly and honestly. Be forthright about why you were evicted and why it won’t happen again. Making a good impression may be enough to show a landlord that you are responsible, rather than a risk.

Don’t Panic

An eviction can be a black mark against you, but it doesn’t mean you will never be able to rent again. By being prepared and persistent in your search you will prevail in finding a place to rent.

From MSN Real Estate

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