There are many factors your lender will take into account when assessing the type and quantity of a home mortgage loan you will qualify for. Of course, your credit standing is just one such variable. Good credit has never been more important for obtaining a loan. Your broader financial picture,… read more →
The challenge of buying a home for the first time can seem so daunting that it’s tempting to either just go with the first house that falls in your price range or continue to rent. To help you demystify the process and get the most out of the purchase, we’ll… read more →
Mortgage rates in the U.S. fell, sending costs for 30-year loans to the lowest since early February as the Federal Reserve confirmed its commitment to provide support for the economic recovery. The average rate for a 30-year fixed mortgage was 4.27 percent this week, down from 4.34 percent, according to… read more →
Here’s the dirty little secret about home renovations: Some of them may not pay off. Of course, the value of a renovation doesn’t depend on the resale price alone, which makes deciding whether to do one more complicated than just crunching numbers. For anyone trying to decide whether to take on… read more →
In a perfect world, landlords and tenants would work together like a well-oiled machine, both generously doing their part to keep each other happy and not disturb their neighbors’ “peaceful enjoyment of the premises,” as phrased in Mississippi’s landlord-tenant law. In fact, lots of tenant-landlord relationships fit this description, but we’ve… read more →
New-home construction has seen consistent growth in the past three years, and sales of new homes are expected to increase by about 16 percent, or 580,000 homes, in 2014, according to Kiplingers Economic Outlooks. And as more homes are built, new architecture trends will begin to appear — slowly. Building is not… read more →
Winter is over, and spring is here. Beside the joy of being able to go outside and engage in more outdoor activities, spring opens many opportunities for reducing your home energy bill. The drastic improvement in weather means you’ll use the furnace less and might even start turning on the… read more →
Buying a home can be exciting, nerve-racking and downright confusing. But with a simple checklist, you can feel comfortable with your purchase. Ask yourself these questions as you begin to make your new house into a home. Inspector Gadget Almost all homes get a general inspection before move-in. But now… read more →
There are some special tax benefits homeowners get for owning a home. Homeowners can deduct their mortgage interest, points they paid as part of the financing process and interest on any home improvement loans they take out — loans that are then used to make capital improvements or those that… read more →
You were told it would cost $1,869 to move your belongings from Sterling, Va., to Carson, Nev. Instead, you paid $5,012.50. It took more than six weeks for your belongings to make the trip — and when they did, some were damaged or missing. To keep the same thing from happening… read more →