Whether you are buying your first home or selling a home and moving into another, a home warranty could be a valuable protection for your finances and your peace of mind. Many buyers opt to purchase home warranties, which average $350 to $500 for a basic warranty and $100 to… read more →
You might be ready to buy a home, but are you armed with the knowledge you need? Do you know about credit score requirements? Are you familiar with flexible standards on Federal Housing Administration loans Whether you are a first time homebuyer or an experienced owner, buying a house requires a “pre”… read more →
Traditional investments are delivering low returns, and home prices are at bargain levels. Is it time to consider buying some rental housing? Investing in real estate right now can be surprisingly profitable, if everything goes well. Rents are climbing in many areas, and more properties may be coming on the… read more →
There’s no doubt about it: Lenders have tightened the guidelines they use to evaluate loan applications. That means borrowers who want to refinance their mortgage to take advantage of low interest rates may wonder whether they will qualify for a new loan. This summary should help you understand what lenders… read more →
The prime home-buying season is upon us, and with it, mounds of paperwork. And, let’s be honest—a chunk of that paperwork will be devoted to the real estate purchase contract. Here’s how you can sign on the dotted line without losing your mind. What It Is A real estate purchase contract… read more →
Purchasing a home is a weighty decision for everyone, but for Military families, there are many factors to consider before jumping into the home owner’s pool. Military families live a lifestyle unique from many in the economy. Moving from Fort Bragg, to Washington DC and then on to Fort Leavenworth could make… read more →
There are about 80,000 real estate appraisers in the U.S., and they play a key role in most home sales: Until they weigh in with a determination of a property’s value, the buyer typically can’t finalize a mortgage. The profession got a reputational black eye, however, during the housing boom… read more →
Buying a home is a very big expense—and once you’ve kicked off all that spending, it’s easy to find yourself caught up in rampant lifestyle inflation. After all, you’ve got an enormous, shiny new house just waiting to be filled with all sorts of nice stuff, right? Well, take some quick advice: Don’t… read more →
Getting denied a home loan can be caused by a number of factors. Before you apply, check out with these factors may be – and what you can do to avoid rejection. No matter how you look at it, getting rejected for a home loan can hurt. With some new rules… read more →
He bristles at your questions about his work history. He says there’s no reason to solicit other contractor bids. His company demands payment up front, in cash. He tells you this is the way renovations get done. Maybe you don’t know any different because this is your first major home… read more →