There are many factors your lender will take into account when assessing the type and quantity of a home mortgage loan you will qualify for. Of course, your credit standing is just one such variable. Good credit has never been more important for obtaining a loan. Your broader financial picture,… read more →
Here’s the dirty little secret about home renovations: Some of them may not pay off. Of course, the value of a renovation doesn’t depend on the resale price alone, which makes deciding whether to do one more complicated than just crunching numbers. For anyone trying to decide whether to take on… read more →
If you’re in the market for a new house or condo, you may also need a loan officer to help with underwriting and securing a mortgage. We suggest talking to two or more loan officers to find one who instills confidence. There is a trade-off. Sometimes the best rate doesn’t… read more →
Death isn’t on the minds of most homeowners on closing day, because we all live forever, right? Unfortunately, no. Let’s face it: it’s really never too early to consider what happens to your mortgage should you pass away. The financial obligation of a home loan does linger after death. There’s… read more →
The home-improvement shows you see on TV make it look so easy. Buy a complete dump of a house with “good bones,” and presto change-o, turn it into your dream home. The reality, however, is that buying a fixer-upper is some serious work. One option is to hire someone to… read more →
Your offer has been accepted. You’re counting the days until you can move into your new home, but one question is lingering in the back of your mind: What happens if the property has liens on it? Fortunately, the title company or agent typically will uncover any liens — unpaid property taxes,… read more →
Rental vacancy rates have dropped, which means competition for apartments and other rentals can be fierce. But if you’re a renter looking for a new place, you still need to be sure your home will meet your needs, and that means looking for more than just adequate square footage, a… read more →
While the essential elements of shopping for a mortgage are the same for a purchase or refinance, refinancing usually starts with a decision to improve your cash flow or change your debt profile. You should determine your goal for refinancing before you meet with a mortgage professional. Once you’ve… read more →
Congratulations on moving into your new — or at least new to you — house. But now that you’ve settled in, you may have noticed some flaws that weren’t evident during the honeymoon period. Hallway floors that squeak in an annoying way, for example. Or pipes that clang, doors that… read more →
If you’re in the market for a mortgage, chances are you’ve been instructed to shop around for the best rates. But just because you’ve been told to shop around doesn’t mean you know how. After you organized your financial information and decide which loan is best for you, follow these… read more →