Become Phase One Savvy in Metro DC’s Reopening

Credits. to NBC Washington
After months of following the stay at home order, the Phase 1 Reopening of Washington DC metro area is underway!Now, you can enjoy sitting in an outdoor cafe, restaurant and shop in some stores all while being “cautious”.
Health officials still urge social distancing, hygiene and safety procedures, which must be implemented by businesses. COVID-19 cases are still on the rise and spreading through the DMV with more than 100,000 confirmed cases. WhileMetro DC’s reopening allows businesses more opportunities of financial improvements and freedom for residents, it is still of the utmost importance to stay safe!
Although the entire Washington DC Metro area is following same reopening phase, a few changes apply to different jurisdictions.
Washington DC:
- Masks are still strongly required on public transportation, in rideshare cars, grocery stores and anywhere you can’t maintain a social distance properly.
- Restaurants are allowed to serve people at outdoor seating. Tables must be at least 6 feet apart and no more than six people can be seated at one table. Groups must be limited to 10 people or less.
- Individual sports courts such as tennis, golf, etc are open. The same does not apply for team sports such as football, basketball, soccer, etc.
- Beauty salons can serve customers by appointment only. No waiting inside the stores allowed.
- Houses of worship can allow groups of 10 people or less.
- Nonessential retail stores can offer curbside or front-door pickup.
- Gyms and Yoga studios remain closed.
Northern Virginia reopens later than the rest of the state in easing the restrictions. Restrictions are similar to the district’s but some changes apply:
As in the district, people must wear masks in public transportation, stores and in restaurants, but there are some exceptions for children under 9 years old, people who are exercising and have underlying health conditions.
- Food and beverage businesses can operate with 50% capacity at maximum.
- he same apply for non-essential retail stores and places of worship.
- Public beaches are open for fishing, exercise and other recreational activities.
- eam sports, alcohol tents and gatherings larger than 10 people are prohibited.
Montgomery and Prince George county’s are opening at a slower pace compared to the rest of the state. Maryland reopensapplying almost the same restrictions as the Nation’s Capital and Virginia. However the 2 counties will follow some guidelines as applied in the rest of the state.
Maryland has already allowed, with restrictions, retailers to reopen, churches to hold services and haircut appointments to be made.
- Restaurants and social organizations can open for public dining.
- Youth sports and day camps can start with limited group sizes.
- utdoor pools can open with 25% capacity.
- Montgomery County allows Summer Camps and outdoor youth sports with restrictions on capacity. The same does not apply in Prince George’s county where these activities are still forbidden.
- Patio or outdoor dining will be allowed, maintaining social distancing.
- Child care for essential workers and those who open businesses can also be available. Automatic car washes and manufacturing can commence.