10 Helpful Tips for Securing a Rental with your Pet

Renting with Your Best Friend
Trying to find a rental with a pet is enough to make you howl. It’s exasperating, particularly if you have a dog that’s bigger than Paris Hilton’s handbag. The knee-jerk “no pets” or “only dogs under 25 pounds” tag easily pops up on three-quarters of apartment listings. And those landlords who don’t imagine Buddy as the Tasmanian Devil instead see dollar signs, tacking on extraneous fees and pet rents that can add $1,000 a year or more to the cost of housing. But owners need to see it for themselves. So here are 10 tips to help prove your case:
Be a Good Pet Owner
This should go without saying, but let’s say it anyway. Before applying for an apartment, ask yourself if you know how to keep the cat from spraying and the dog from wailing in that home. Consult your local shelter for training classes. It’s your job to provide the right care, attention and exercise.
.Sympathize with the Owner’s Concerns
.Sympathize with the Owner’s Concerns