Sales of Armoured Backpacks on the Rise

Armoured Backpacks for Self Defense
In the wake of Newtown, the sale of armoured backpacks is on the rise. As a parent, I understand the overwhelming need to safegaurd your child. The cost, around $200.00, is miniscule compared to the value of a life. We try to teach our children right from wrong, and for the most part, they understand the difference. They know to stay away from kids who get into alot of trouble because they could be roped into the offensive activity and get into hot water, themselves. How do you protect your child, armoured backpack or not, from someone hellbent on commiting a massacre? Its very sad in todays world, the things children have to learn earlier rather than later. Short of being cynnical, today, armoured backpacks, tomorrow, bullet proof glass in schools. Scary to think of where this world is heading; wishing life could be simpler for our children, where all they have to worry abut is which color crayon to use……