Phone: (703) 865-6092
Welcome To Our Neighborhood

Property Management

Property Management

At Neighborhood Choice Property Management, we utilize our extensive knowledge of the market to accurately determine the most competitive price for your property. Our experience enables us to assess what needs to be completed to obtain top dollar and secure the proper contractors to do the job right. We see to it that your home has vast visibility and exposure by various marketing media, thus achieving the greatest exposure for the most expedient results.

That’s why property owners throughout Northern Virginia depend on us to help achieve their goals or property performance and profitability. You can expect the same exceptional service and commitment from us that you have come to expect from Neighborhood Choice Realty.

We welcome you to contact us or visit our Property Management/Service site to learn more. Click Here

Sample Property Management Agreement

Entrust your property to the professionals.

  • Market your property as needed
  • Schedule service appointments with trusted vendors
  • Manage and act as liaison to renters
  • Manage and supervise all repairs with local vendors
  • Manage and negotiate all service contracts for Residential or Commercial Property
  • Maintain property to ensure investment values

We will protect your investment and increase your profitability. That Is Our Promise.

“I have been with the principals of Neighborhood Choice Property Management for the last few years and I have come to expect true excellence in their service and process. They employ the best of the best contractors for repairs and property enhancements- all at an extremely reasonable cost. They communicate with all parties to handle repairs promptly and efficiently. I highly recommend Neighborhood Choice Property Management and will continue to encourage others to use their services as well.” – Vienna, Va.
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