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Fairfax County At A Glance


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Located in the heart of Fairfax County, the City of Fairfax was named one of the Top 25 Places To Live Well by Forbes Magazine. This notoriety comes from a strong public school system, high median salary and one of the highest concentrations of entrepreneurs in the country. These factors continue to help Fairfax weather tough financial climates and prosper in good times. Other factors considered by Forbes magazine were the number of residents holding college degrees, commuting time and distance to highways and airport.

The recently updated downtown area of Fairfax City offers a walkable market atmosphere enriched with history. Fairfax is also home to George Mason University. You’ll find that stores, restaurants and activities cater to a wide array of residents… from families to GMU students.

Fairfax City real estate has a little something for everyone. Entry level real estate in Fairfax consists of well appointed condominiums. The bulk of homes in Fairfax City are modest single family residences. Fairfax isn’t known for being showy, but there is a lot of home town pride. You don’t have to go any farther than one of the many community events or a local sporting event to experience Fairfax-pride first hand.


Fairfax Real Estate For Sale

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