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Centreville County At A Glance


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Centreville  gained its name for being centrally located between Aleaxandria, Middleburg. Leesburg, Warrenton and Georgetown. Though originally part of Loudoun County, Centreville is now within the boundaries of Fairfax County.  Centreville still provides convenient access to points around Northern Virginia via routes 29, 28 and 66.Centreville offers outdoor receation at Bull Run Park with picnicking  trails and the annual Bull Run Light Festival featuring Christmas displays to delight all ages. Residents of Centreville have gotten creative about when and how they commute as rush hour can slowdown trips in and out of Centreville. Real estate in Centreville provides many townhouse and single family home options. Many of these homes were built in the 1980′s and 90′s. Well planned communities provide close proximity to shopping, highways and schools. Centreville also has its share of recreation, dining and nightlife options.


Centreville Real Estate For Sale

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