When selling your home, misleading information can put you at a huge disadvantage compared to other sellers in your market. By staying up-to-date with trends and information, you will have an edge over the competition. Here, we have compiled some of the biggest myths in selling and revealed the truth… read more →
At the end of a long day, dinner on the deck or a cocktail on the patio can offer welcome respite — unless you’re sipping that drink under the watchful eyes of your neighbors. Small lots, busy traffic and loud neighbors can take the joy out of outdoor spaces. Short of building a… read more →
There is no flawless house. Each home, even a new one, has some issues. The trick is in spotting the really big ones before you sign on the dotted line. People get emotionally attached to a house before they understand what the issues are with it.Subtle signs such as tiny insect… read more →
Is the grass greener on the other side? Get out into the yard now and heed these 5 tips for greener grass. Your lawn could make your neighbors green with envy. Overseed Your Lawn By seeding your lawn regularly, you’ll help your grass edge out competing weeds. To give the… read more →
The tight housing market has sparked the return of bidding wars and desperate buyers in certain cities and towns. While you may need to act fast to land your dream home, haste will make waste if you end up with a money pit. With that, here are five key warning… read more →
Despite your best efforts at cleanliness, your carpet will eventually become the victim of drops, spills, accidents and whatever’s on the bottom of your shoes. To learn how professionals handle problem areas and keep carpets looking new, read these 10 tips. Blot Stains, Don’t Rub Dab stains with a cleaning… read more →
Dirty light fixtures not only look bad, they reduce brightness and waste energy. Dirty bulbs shed 30% less light than clean ones, says the U.S. Department of Energy. Add a dusty, dead-bug riddled cover, and you’ve got an automatic dimmer, whether you want one or not. Got a dirty light fixture?… read more →
No matter how clean your home may be, it’s probably still a little dusty. Dust is a pervasive problem that everyone has to deal with every day. It’s more than an annoyance, however. For individuals who suffer from asthma, allergies, or other breathing problems, dust can compromise their health and… read more →
The garage door is the single largest moving part in your home, and should be inspected and maintained every year. Whether you have a belt-drive, chain-drive, or screw-drive opening system, maintenance issues and steps to lubricate garage door tracks are virtually the same. • Inspect the tracks to make sure there… read more →
There are some maintenance and repair issues that homeowners just hate to deal with — either because they take time, or cost money, or just don’t seem, well, urgent. But some of these problems can become ticking time bombs, poised to explode if they’re not defused early, when they are more like… read more →